Streets Are For Everyone Network

Join our next SAFE Network meeting on June 27 at 12pm.

What’s the Law Say about Bicyclists, Pedestrians, and Micromobility in NJ?

More people are biking, walking, and using micromobility options like e-bikes and scooters in our communities. However, bicycle, pedestrian, and micromobility laws are not always understood. It’s important to gain a better understanding of these laws, as they impact safety initiatives, livability, and policies. This session will review NJ’s Title 39, the statute that contains key laws dictating the rights, duties, and responsibilities of pedestrians, bicyclists, micromobility users, and motorists towards each other and on our roadways. The session will provide plain language interpretations and dispel myths and misconceptions about what is allowed on our streets and pathways.


  • Ranjit Walia, AICP, Civic Eye Collaborative
  • Greg Woltman, AICP, NJDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center, Rutgers

The SAFE Network (Streets Are for Everyone) is a community of bike & walk friendly advocates, members of like-minded partner agencies and community leaders, inspired to create safe streets.

Local advocates are at the center of the movement to make our streets safer for all users. Making our roadways safe and comfortable for active transportation is part of the solution to many of our most pressing challenges. It helps reduce traffic violence, creates more equitable mobility options, creates healthier, more environmentally friendly, sustainable communities and improves our quality of life.

Building on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocacy Network, which grew out of our 2021 Summit, this network incorporates new strategies, policies, and opportunities for funding that have been introduced nationally over the past two years. 

Our network utilizes the foundational strategies and resources from the US DOT Safe System Approach, Vision Zero, and Complete & Green Streets for All, to build our capacity to work with municipal and county government, advocacy groups and partner agencies to create safer streets, particularly for our most vulnerable road users.

The SAFE Network includes:

  • Monthly group meetings with presentations, guest speakers, discussions, and networking.
  • Online Support sessions customized to address any of the SAFE Network Advocacy resources or advocacy efforts in your community.
  • NJBWC SAFE Network Resource Center on our website.

Advocacy Support

This support will include presentations, web based resources and discussion to educate and advise local advocacy efforts.

Vision Zero & Safe Systems Approach

Infographics, guidelines and more documentation regarding advancing Complete Streets through a Safe Systems Approach.

Complete & Green Streets Policy

These policies prioritize health, equity, and fairness in transportation expenditures and project selection. 

Demonstration Projects

Demonstration or pilot street projects are temporary design strategies, tools and tactics that cities and towns can use to explore possible solutions or improve their roadways and public spaces in the near-term.

The Need for Speed Reduction

Resources vital to advancing mobility, access, equity, and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Funding Opportunities

A comprehensive list of funding resources for Active Transportation in New Jersey.

Safe Network Webinar Materials

Resources from the New Jersey Bicycle & Pedestrian Advocacy Network.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Paul Mickiewicz, SAFE Network Program Manager