Sign the Pledge

Sign the pledge below to spread awareness of the new Safe Passing Law and commit to setting an example for others by passing vulnerable road users safely.

I Support Safe Passing

Whenever I see vulnerable users on the road, I will slow down, move over and pass them safely with room to spare.

I will tell my friends and family about the Safe Passing law and urge them to pass safely.

Safe Passing Pledge
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2021 was the deadliest year on New Jersey’s roads in 14 years for drivers and the deadliest in 30 years for the most vulnerable road users. While motor vehicle driver and passenger fatalities are up 18%, pedestrian fatalities are up 23%, and cyclist fatalities are up 44%. (as of April 2022, Source: NJ State Police)

Effective March 1, 2022, state law now requires drivers to use “due caution” whenever they encounter vulnerable people on the road, meaning:

  • Drivers must move over a lane if there’s one to move into while following all current no-passing and no speeding laws.
  • On a single-lane road, drivers must provide a distance of at least 4 feet to safely pass a cyclist or pedestrian.
  • If 4 feet is not possible, drivers must slow to 25 mph and be prepared to stop until they can pass safely without endangering those sharing the road.

Safe Passing Law Goals

  • Prevent the near misses, injuries, and deaths that can occur when motorists attempt to squeeze by cyclists, pedestrians, or other vulnerable road users
  • Contribute to a cultural shift toward safer travel habits by reinforcing the right to the road for people on foot, bicycle, scooter, or in wheelchairs.
  • Underscore the responsibility for faster, heavier road users to be cautious around vulnerable road users who could be their friends, family, or neighbors.