Fund Your Project: Tips and Strategies for Successful Grant Applications

Fund Your Project: Tips and Strategies for Successful Grant Applications

Friday, June 4, 9:30AM – 10:30AM

There are funding opportunities available for communities to implement a range of improvements and programs to make walking and bicycling safer, easier and more accessible modes of travel for all.  Join us and learn about the types of grant funding available – from larger federal and state grants to smaller health and sustainable community grants.  Participants will walk away with ideas on how to find the grants that align with walking and bicycling goals in their community, and tips and strategies for developing successful grant applications.

Session Materials:

NJDOT Safe Routes to School 2022 Program Handbook


Trish Sanchez – Public Relations and Outreach Specialist, Vorhees Transportation Center & Safe Routes Resource Center, Rutgers University

Trish Sanchez is a Public Outreach Specialist at the Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers with experience in active transportation research and policy, public engagement, marketing, and communications. She manages the New Jersey Safe Routes Resource Center in conjunction with NJDOT providing services, training, coordination, research and technical assistance to the State’s eight Transportation Management Associations, local and regional governments, schools, nonprofits and others to support walking and bicycling.  Trish also co-founded the Public Outreach and Engagement Team (POET) at VTC, a specialized center devoted to innovative public engagement practices.  She is Chair of the Safe Walking and Cycling Committee in Highland Park.


Bill Riviere

Bill Riviere – Safe Routes Coordinator, NJDOT Bureau of Safety, Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs

William Riviere is a Principal Planner and the Safe Routes to School Coordinator with the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Safety, Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs. As the lead administrator of NJDOT’s Local Technical Assistance Program for bicycle and pedestrian projects, Bill provides guidance and expertise in creating streets as corridors for all modes of transportation for all ages and abilities. As the statewide Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Bill oversees the technical assistance program working closely with the Safe Routes Resource Center at Rutgers and all eight New Jersey Transportation Management Associations.

Julie Seaman – Division Office of Local Aid and Economic Development, NJ Department of Transportation

Julie Seaman is a Project Management Specialist in the Division of Local Aid and Economic Development at the NJ Department of Transportation.  With over 29 years of experience within the NJDOT, Julie oversees the federally funded Safe Routes to School and Transportation Alternatives Set Aside grant programs, manages the design assistance programs and provides guidance on the delivery of federally funded programs.

Christine Newman, LWS – Director of Community Outreach, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) New Jersey

Christine Newman, LSW:  is the Director of Community Outreach and Volunteer Engagement for AARP New Jersey. In this role she works to advance AARP’s social mission of fighting for and equipping people aged the 50+ in NJ with tools and resources to live their best lives,; specifically around AARP’s priority areas of: creating vibrant livable communities, supporting family caregivers, and establishing financial security. She also leads AARP NJ’s state-wide work around Livable Communities and Age Friendly initiatives, with a focus on engaging and empowering local communities and volunteers to effect positive social change where they live.