The 2018 NJ Bike & Walk Summit
Saturday, March 24, 2018
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
The Conference Center of Mercer County Community College, West Windsor, NJ
The New Jersey Bike & Walk Summit, an annual event organized by the NJ Bike & Walk Coalition, is New Jersey’s statewide meeting of bicycle and pedestrian advocates, elected officials and other township leaders, transportation and urban planners, bike shop owners and managers, cycling, walking, fitness and health enthusiasts and experts, recreation, trails and club leaders and others who are interested in making our state a better place to live through walking and biking.
Summit attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about current state and federal legal and policy issues affecting our communities, become aware of various public funding sources, and network. As a participant in the NJ Bike & Walk Summit, you’ll identify and develop mutually beneficial relationships that can help your community become more bike and pedestrian friendly and therefore, more livable. Schedule.
Featured Speaker:

Oboi Reed
President & CEO of Equiticity
Co-founder, President & CEO of Slow Roll Chicago
White House and USDOT Transportation Champion of Change Awardee
2018 Advocate of the Year Award Winners:
State level:

Local level:
Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition

Panel sessions and presentations include:
- Legislation affecting bike riders and pedestrians
- Getting to Vision Zero
- Green Streets and Complete Streets
- First-ever Jersey Shore Complete Streets Workshop
- Equity in Transportation
- Using the Complete Streets Guide Suite
- Analyzing bike rider and pedestrian crash data to find hotspots
- Bike parking and mass transit
- Bikeshare demo (weather permitting)
- Safe Routes Academy

To register for the 2018 NJ Bike & Walk Summit, visit our official Summit Registration Page on Eventbrite.
To RSVP and share the event with your Facebook friends, go to the official 2018 NJ Bike & Walk Event Page on Facebook.
ALL ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT, either in advance at a discounted rate, or at full-price on the day of the Summit. Registration includes access to all of the day’s events, breakfast and lunch.
On-line pre-registration is available for $60 per attendee, until February 1, after which the pre-registration price will be $65. Registration will also be available at the event for $75. Pre-registration price ends on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 8 pm.
Day-of registration and check-in will begin at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning, March 24. Opening remarks and the plenary will begin promptly at 8:45 AM.
Payment can also be made by check; please make checks payable to:
New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
Payment should be mailed to:
Suite 140
551 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07043
Checks must be received by Wednesday, March 21, 2018.
Registration to the NJ Bike & Walk Summit is non-refundable.
Come and join NJBWC for a full day of cycling and walking advocacy, networking, sharing of ideas and bridging gaps across NJ communities. The 2018 Summit promises to be our best one yet!
For questions, please send a note to: