Summit 2025 Program

2025 new jersey bike and walk summit graphic logo on march 29 2025 at princeton university

Saturday, March 29, 2025 at Princeton University | McDonnell Hall

Registration, Continental Breakfast, Networking: 8:00am - 9:00am

Opening Plenary: 9:00am - 10:00am | McDonnell A02

  • Hello – Charlie Tennyson, Assistant Vice President, Campus Services in Princeton
  • Welcome Remarks – Debra Kagan, Executive Director, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
  • Dan Benson, County Executive, Mercer County

Keynote Speaker: Fran K. O'Connor, New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner

A headshot photo of New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Fran. K O'Connor

Francis (Fran) K. O’Connor was confirmed as the 20th Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Transportation by the New Jersey State Senate on June 28, 2024. He was nominated for the Cabinet position by Governor Phil Murphy in January 2024 and began serving as Acting Commissioner on February 12, 2024. A proud native of Jersey City, New Jersey, O’Connor is honored to serve his home state and brings with him more than 40 years of senior-level experience in both the public and private sectors. His industry expertise spans executive leadership, operations, planning, customer service, and oversight of complex, multi-million-dollar projects for public sector clients across the country.

Keynote Panel: The Crossroads of Transportation Policy | 9:25am - 10:00am

Join us for an engaging discussion about how good transportation policy meets at the intersection of safety, economic development and sustainability. Leading experts at all levels of government will talk about how important it is to break out of our silos and advocate for transportation policy that can make our communities stronger, healthier and more connected than ever. We will talk about the impact of changes at the federal level and how state and local governments can work to reshape how we think about transportation policy.

Headshot photo of Barbara McCann

Barbara McCann recently retired from the US Department of Transportation, where she served in several leadership roles related to surface transportation safety and environment. Most recently she served as Senior Advisor to Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg. Over her 11 years at the Department she had major roles in the development of safety initiatives including the National Roadway Safety Strategy, the Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program, and the USDOT Safety Council. She also spearheaded the Safety Data Initiative, the Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets, and the Federal Highway Administration’s work to integrate Complete Streets across its programs. Prior to coming to DOT, she founded and served as Executive Director of the National Complete Streets Coalition, developing and advancing the adoption of policies to design streets to be safe for all users. Her book on that work, Completing our Streets, was published by Island Press in 2013.

Headshot photo of Caron Whitaker

In her role as Deputy Executive Director, Caron helps with organizational strategy as well as leads the League’s federal policy efforts to secure bicycle and pedestrian friendly policies and funding through advocacy with Congress, the Administration and national advocacy partners. Prior to joining the League of American Bicyclists in 2012, Caron served as the Campaign Director for America Bikes. Before that, she worked for the National Wildlife Federation on smart growth, international policy, and community engagement. In addition, Caron served as a Community Land Use Planner for the State of North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, providing technical assistance to local governments and staffing a stakeholders’ council responsible for revising state planning regulations. She has a Masters in Environmental Management from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and a Bachelors of Arts from Williams College.

Headshot Photo of Zoe Baldwin

As the Vice President of State Programs, Zoe works to expand RPA’s presence and efficacy in each state, helping to build diverse support for policies that promote a stronger, more connected region. Zoe also leads research, planning, and advocacy activities in her home state of New Jersey, where she draws on her considerable experience in public policy and community engagement to develop and advance policies and projects that facilitate equitable, vibrant, and resilient communities.

Headshot photo of Cathleen Lewis

Cathleen Lewis served Lawrence Township as a Council Member since 2012, serving as Mayor in 2014 and 2015. She has served on the Lawrence Zoning Board and has been council liaison to the Growth and Redevelopment Committee, the Trails and Open Space Committee, the Health Committee, Recreation committee and the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity committee. Ms. Lewis is employed at the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities where she is helping to lead New Jersey’s Electric Vehicle transition, administering incentive programs for vehicles and charging stations and establishing policies to encourage adoption. She is an active member of the community, serving as a Girl Scout Troop leader in 2 troops, a Board member of the Girl Scouts of Central and Southern New Jersey and Board member of the NJ Bike/Walk Coalition.

Breakout Session 1: 10:10am - 11:10am

Trails: Catalyst for Change

McDonnell A01 | Interview & Panel Q&A

Trails and shared-use paths can be transformative catalysts for achieving transportation, connectivity, and Vision Zero goals. This session explores how integrating pedestrian and bike infrastructure into transportation and housing development plans—both new and redeveloped—can create more connected, accessible, and sustainable communities. Panelists will highlight successful case studies from Princeton, where collaborations with developers resulted in protected bike lanes, walking paths to essential services, pocket parks, and direct connections to public transit, all funded by developers. Middlesex County will demonstrate how they are incorporating their work-in-progress Greenways Plan into their development review process. Additionally, insights from Hoboken will showcase opportunities to align trail networks with future development projects. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s efforts will be highlighted to demonstrate how trail networks can transform communities by providing safe and accessible transportation options. Attendees will learn strategies for negotiating with developers to ensure equitable and sustainable infrastructure, enabling green space expansion, enhanced transit access, and affordable housing. Join us to discover how trails can shape thriving, inclusive neighborhoods and drive meaningful change in New Jersey’s built environment.


  • Corey Hannigan (moderator), Active Transportation Program Manager, Tri-State Transportation Campaign
  • Councilwoman Mia Sacks, President, Princeton Council
  • Michael Dannemiller, Supervising Engineer, Middlesex County, Office of Planning
  • Jessica Giorgianni, PP, AICP, Supervising Planner, City of Hoboken
  • Upendra Sapkota, New Jersey Project Director, Rails to Trails Conservancy

Safety Plans: From Policy to Pop-Up to Permanent

Jadwin A09 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

A robust discussion of how to connect policy to action in safety planning and the different stages of implementation. Following a Local Safety Action plan, or other local commitment, how are changes to the streets implemented? Looking though the lenes of Pop-Up (Demonstration), to both short-term permanent (e.g. Work Orders / Limited Scope) and long-term, comprehensive improvements (Capital Programs / HSIP). There is no wrong answer to improve safety, but there are strategic considerations to overcome resistance, identify funding to implement changes, and to meet the urgency the community expects.


  • Sangeeta Badlani (moderator), Founder, Nikhil Badlani Foundation & Families for Safe Streets NJ
  • Francesca Giarratana, AICP, PP, Deputy Director, Hudson County Department of Planning and Business Opportunity
  • Amy Veach, Community Advocate, Montclair Vision Zero Task Force
  • Lindsey Scofield, AICP, PMP, Senior Transportation Planner, City of Jersey City
  • Jasmine Lawrence, Principal Planner, TMA & Mobility Programs, North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority

Choosing the Right Funding to Get Stuff Done

Jadwin A06 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

Finding funding for improvements can be challenging, as every pot of money has its own restrictions and limitations. Understanding which path is most aligned with the scope, cost, timeframe and red tape is one way. This session will include a robust discussion about pros and cons of various funding programs and success stories about getting stuff done!


  • Mike Manzella (moderator), Director of Transportation Planning, City of Jersey City
  • Jeff Perlman, Senior Director, Planning, North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority
  • Jennifer Marandino, P.E., Executive Director, South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
  • Shawn Megill Legendre, Manager, Regional Trails Program, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

Safe Routes Academy: Taking it to the Streets - Conducting Walkability Audits (Extended Session Part 1)

Jadwin A10 | Mobile Workshop

Let’s hit the streets for an engaging, hands-on training session where you’ll learn how to conduct walk audits! This interactive session will cover the benefits of walkability audits, provide best practice resources, and teach you how to identify and document both challenges and opportunities. The session will conclude with a real-world walk audit, equipping you with practical skills that can be used in your own community to make it a better place to walk and bike to schools, shops, employment centers, parks and transit!


  • William Riviere, Principal Planner, NJ Department of Transportation
  • Sean Meehan, Research Project Manager, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • James Sinclair, Senior Research Specialist, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • Safe Routes to School Coordinators from New Jersey’s eight Transportation Management Associations

Breakout Session 2: 11:20am - 12:20am

Building Better Trails: Insights and Strategies for Funding and Development

McDonnell A01 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

Trail networks in New Jersey present transformative opportunities to create healthier, safer, and more connected communities. This session will explore key findings from a recent report on trail funding and development, commissioned by New Jersey Future and funded by the William Penn Foundation. VTC conducted extensive research on federal and state funding programs, County Open Space Trust Fund opportunities, and examined trail development processes in New Jersey compared to neighboring states like New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Attendees will gain valuable insights into best practices for developing trails and shared-use paths, as well as proven strategies from other states that can be championed by New Jersey’s next Governor. This session will also cover critical funding sources, technical assistance opportunities, and strategies for submitting competitive applications and managing successful trail projects projects, as will be outlined in the first of a series of statewide trail planning guidance documents being developed by NJDEP and NJDOT, entitled the New Jersey Trails Playbook. An interactive Mentimeter poll will be used to gather audience feedback on which recommended actions are most important for advancing New Jersey’s trail development efforts. Join us to learn about the future of trails in the Garden State and how we can work together to make these important projects a reality for all communities.


  • Dan Benson (moderator), County Executive, Mercer County
  • Chris Sturm, Policy Director – Land Use, New Jersey Future
  • Rebecca Levitsky, Master’s Student, Voorhees Transportation Center, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
  • Mackenzie Piggott, State Trails Coordinator, NJ Department of Environmental Protection
  • Elise Bremer-Nei, AICP, PP, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, NJ Department of Transportation

Driver Accountability: Myth and Reality

Jadwin A09 | Interview & Panel Q&A

Most believe drivers are held accountable for the harm they cause. This myth is belied by the reality faced by fatal and serious crash victims, who typically find that unless a driver was impaired or fleeing police, there is little or no accountability for inflicting grave harm while violating multiple traffic laws. How and why does the New Jersey government do such a poor job of holding drivers accountable? Steve Vaccaro, a lawyer representing pedestrian and cyclist crash victims, will lead a panel discussion focusing on the experiences of families torn by traffic violence, the perpetrators of which received only token and symbolic consequences. Panelists include Sangeeta Badlani and Sandor Barcza, members of New Jersey Families for Safe Streets, who fought courageously but largely unsuccessfully to hold accountable the drivers who killed their family members, and Tatsuo Imaishi, left for dead by a hit-and-run driver whose punishment was a single traffic ticket.


  • Steve Vaccaro, Esq. (moderator), Principal, Vaccaro Law
  • Sangeeta Badlani, Founder, Nikhil Badlani Foundation & Families for Safe Streets NJ
  • Sandor Barcza
  • Tatsuo Imaishi

Data Strangelove or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data

Jadwin A06 | Interview & Panel Q&A

We often hear that using data is the key to making smarter decisions about safety. But not all data is created equally, nor does everyone have access to it or know how to use it effectively. This session will explore how we collect and use crash data and other valuable types of information, including stories and experiences from the community (qualitative data), that can help us make better, more well-rounded decisions. Join a diverse panel as we talk about the different kinds of data available, where to find it, how to use it effectively, and how we can improve decisions for a safer future.


  • Sofia Barandiaran (moderator), New Jersey & New York Manager, East Coast Greenway Alliance
  • Dr. Hannah Younes, PhD., Senior Research Specialist, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • Hunter Armstrong, Executive Director, Brooklyn Greenway Initiative
  • Ryan Williams, Trustee, Hudson County Complete Streets

Safe Routes Academy: Taking it to the Streets - Conducting Walkability Audits (Extended Session Part 2)

Jadwin A10 | Mobile Workshop

Let’s hit the streets for an engaging, hands-on training session where you’ll learn how to conduct walk audits! This interactive session will cover the benefits of walkability audits, provide best practice resources, and teach you how to identify and document both challenges and opportunities. The session will conclude with a real-world walk audit, equipping you with practical skills that can be used in your own community to make it a better place to walk and bike to schools, shops, employment centers, parks and transit!


  • William Riviere, Principal Planner, NJ Department of Transportation
  • Sean Meehan, Research Project Manager, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • James Sinclair, Senior Research Specialist, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • Safe Routes to School Coordinators from New Jersey’s eight Transportation Management Associations

Walk Witherspoon Street: Hosted by Sustainable Princeton - Outside

McDonnell Brush Gallery Entrance | Guided Walk

This walking tour of the Witherspoon Street redesign project will show you how pedestrian infrastructure was added and traffic calming measures to improve bikeability. On the tour, you’ll also learn how Sustainable Princeton supports municipal projects through creative outreach and promotion. The tour will discuss fostering good partnerships between nonprofits, advocacy groups, and municipal governments to achieve common goals.


  • Deanna Stockton, P.E., C.M.E., Deputy Administrator & Municipal Engineer, Princeton Municipality
  • Christine Symington, Executive Director, Sustainable Princeton

Lunch & Networking: 12:20pm - 1:05pm | McDonnell Brush Gallery

Afternoon Plenary: 1:05pm - 2:05pm | McDonnell A02

  • Reconvene – Debra Kagan, Executive Director, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
  • Keynote Introduction – Brendan Gill, Essex County Commissioner, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition Board

Keynote Speaker: Charles L. Marohn Jr., Founder and President, Strong Towns

Charles Marohn, known as “Chuck” to friends and colleagues, is the founder and president of Strong Towns. He is a land use planner and civil engineer with decades of experience. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning, both from the University of Minnesota. Marohn is the author of Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity (Wiley, 2019), Confessions of a Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town (Wiley, 2021), and Escaping the Housing Trap: The Strong Towns Response to the Housing Crisis (Wiley, 2024). He hosts the Strong Towns Podcast and is a primary writer for Strong Towns’ web content. He has presented Strong Towns concepts in hundreds of cities and towns across North America. Planetizen named him one of the 10 Most Influential Urbanists of all time.

Transportation for a Strong Town

We all want to live in a place where the transportation system serves residents. The costs of the North American transportation system are too high—and not just in money, but in time, safety, and quality of life. No one should have to live in a community where transportation gets worse while costing more. It’s unwise and unfair to be wasting precious time and resources on something this bad.

Charles Marohn explains why the conventional approach to traffic engineering is making people less safe, bankrupting towns and cities, destroying the fabric of communities, and actually worsening the problems (like congestion) engineers set out to solve.

Transportation can be fixed—and he’ll explain why fixing it will involve not just engineers, but local residents and officials who have become effective and empowered advocates, connected with others to make real change.

Marty Epstein Advocates of the Year Awards | 1:45pm-2:05pm

Breakout Session 3: 2:15pm - 3:15pm

Trail Networks: Going the Distance

McDonnell A01 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

This interactive session will focus on the benefits of regionally connected trail networks and how these “spines” are critical to active transportation statewide. We will focus on the role of long-distance trails in creating a cohesive active transportation system in New Jersey. As the nation’s densest state, New Jersey’s car-centric infrastructure has fragmented walking and biking connections between communities. This session highlights the importance of continuous, safe, and high-quality greenways—active transportation corridors that can reconnect towns across the state. A brief presentation will cover existing and proposed trails like the East Coast Greenway, Essex-Hudson Greenway, and Morris Canal Greenway, followed by a visioning session where participants can discuss opportunities, needs, and benefits of a statewide greenway network. Topics will include improving neighborhood connectivity, expanding green zones, ensuring equitable access, and addressing green gentrification concerns. Participants will also explore the economic, health, and environmental benefits of completing networks like the Circuit Trails, helping to shape the future of walking and biking infrastructure in New Jersey.


  • Tiffany R. Robinson, Trails Network Manager, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
  • Sofia Barandiaran, New Jersey & New York Manager, East Coast Greenway Alliance
  • Patrick Starr, Executive Vice President, Pennsylvania Environmental Council & Chair of the Circuit Trails Coalition
  • Matt Ludwig, PE, AICP, WEDG, Principal Engineer & Planner, NV5

Building Trust in Communities by Implementing Meaningful Engagement Strategies

Jadwin A09 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

Mid-20th century planning intentionally omitted community engagement from the planning process, leading to distrust between residents and government, mass displacement, unjust transportation, land use and housing policies, and unequal health and social, economic and health outcomes. As we’re unlearning the mistakes of our past, this session will explore meaningful community involvement techniques and strategies to aim for equal community participation and buy-in on public active-transportation mobility and accessibility infrastructure projects. Community engagement strategies are context-sensitive and it’s important to acknowledge that one-size fits all approaches does not work for all communities. We will dive into the tools and messaging that community groups use to engage residents, address concerns around access to green space, safe infrastructure, and the impacts of green gentrification and displacement. Through real-world examples and interactive discussion, we will examine what works, what doesn’t, and how we can do better to ensure that community voices shape the future of mobility and public space.


  • Byron Nicholas, PP, AICP (moderator), Chief, Hudson County Division of Planning, Founder, Black & Urban
  • Kweli Campbell, Executive Director & Co-founder, Friends of Metcalf Park
  • Jonathan (LANK) Conner, Public Projects Manager, Artworks Trenton
  • Caitlin Fair, Program Director, East Trenton Collaborative
  • Courtenay Mercer, PP, AICP, Mercer Planning Associates

Student Advocate Showcase

Jadwin A06 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

This session showcases a variety of student lead initiatives advocating for safe streets for all, particularly those walking and riding bicycles in their communities. This quick moving seminar will begin with brief presentations from the students themselves, followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A. You’ll leave with engagement ideas to bring back to student and youth groups in your own town.


  • Paul Mickiewicz (moderator), Program Manager, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
  • Princeton Students
  • West Orange Students
  • West Windsor Students

Safe Routes Academy: Bring Your Questions! How to Engage Your Community to Build Better Streets

Jadwin A10 | Interview & Panel Q&A

Join us for an engaging session where local elected officials, experienced in both advocacy and governance, will answer your questions and share valuable insights and lessons learned in promoting active transportation and creating a safer environment for walking and bicycling. This interactive session offers participants the chance to ask questions and gain practical strategies for engaging with municipal and school officials, building coalitions, and effectively communicating the benefits of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Through dynamic discussion, attendees will discover how to identify opportunities to mobilize community members and influence decision-makers to prioritize and invest in safer, more walkable, and bikeable communities.


  • William Riviere, Principal Planner, NJ Department of Transportation
  • Sean Meehan, Research Project Manager, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • Candace Faust, Councilwoman, Eatontown Borough
  • Krista Weaver, Council President, Borough of Hopewell
  • Gabrielle Bennet-Meany, Belleville School Board President and Coordinator of the Belleville Green Team

A Walk Through Alleyways to Coffee: Hosted by Princeton Future - Outside

McDonnell Brush Gallery Entrance | Guided Walk


  • Marina Rubina, Architect, Princeton Future Walking Group

Breakout Session 4: 3:25pm - 4:15pm

Getting Engineers to Yes

McDonnell A01 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

Tired of hearing “no” from an engineer? The engineering profession has sometimes gotten things wrong. Recent changes to engineering standards have increased flexibility in such things as setting speed limits, lane widths and painted pavement. However, not all practicing engineers are utilizing the flexibility provided to them, and sometimes revert back to older methods. This session, presented by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, will discuss increased flexibility of the MUTCD, Green Book, and other engineering requirements, and acceptable methods to discuss with your local engineers to help improve roadways.


  • Andy Kaplan, PE, PTOE, Manager of Planning for Operations and Technology, North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority
  • Michael Dannemiller, PE, Supervising Engineer, Middlesex County, Office of Planning
  • Tom DiBiase, PE, RSP2i, Project Manager – Transportation Planning & Engineering, Michael Baker International

Expanding the SAFE Network Program & Strengthening Local Advocacy

Jadwin A09 | Roundtable Discussion

Join the New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition (NJBWC) for an engaging roundtable discussion focused on growing the SAFE Network Program and enhancing local advocacy efforts. This session is an opportunity for advocates, community leaders, and organizations to come together and explore how NJBWC can best provide the tools, resources, and support needed to advance safe, equitable biking, walking, and micromobility at the local level. Key discussion points will include identifying strategies to grow the network and increase its impact and what tools, resources, and training would be most helpful. This interactive session will shape NJBWC’s approach to supporting local advocates and ensuring communities have the resources they need to create safer, more accessible streets. Whether you’re an experienced advocate or just getting started, your voice is essential in this conversation! Join us and help build a stronger movement for safe, equitable active transportation in New Jersey!


  • Paul Mickiewicz (moderator), Program Manager, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
  • Tiffany R. Robinson, Trails Network Manager, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
  • Emmanuelle Morgen, Communications Manager, New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition

Build a Bike Safety Wheel for Fun Engagement with WWBPA

Jadwin A06 | DIY Workshop

Build a bike safety wheel — our favorite tool for community engagement. The West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance brings its bike safety wheel everywhere! It’s how we share bite-sized walking and biking safety lessons with both children and adults as part of our community outreach efforts. In this session, we will show you how to build your own safety wheel. We will bring supplies to create our version of a Wheel of Fortune for about a dozen participants as well as share our age-appropriate questions.


  • Silvia Ascarelli, Board Member, West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance
  • Anne Clifton, President, West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance

Safe Routes Academy: School Zone Safety Takes a Team

Jadwin A10 | Presentation & Panel Q&A

Ensuring the safety of students as they travel to and from school requires a collaborative effort from a range of stakeholders. While infrastructure improvements are essential, they take time to implement. This session will highlight quick-turnaround improvements and explore best practices for advocating for school zone safety. Participants will hear directly from students and administrators from Burlington City about how they united to advocate for change following the tragic loss of a classmate. They will share their experiences in leveraging collaborations with local, county, and state representatives to help create a safer environment for students, parents, and crossing guards.


  • William Riviere, Principal Planner, NJ Department of Transportation
  • Sean Meehan, Research Project Manager, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
  • James Flynn, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Burlington City School District
  • Students, Burlington City School District