How You Can Help

1. Follow the Safe Passing Law

The first, and best, way to help is by following the rules of the road. Those rules now include the Safe Passing Law!

When You’re Driving

Always pass others on the road safely.

  • Slow down
  • Move over
  • Only pass with room to spare (at least 4-feet)
  • Make it safe for all to share

Read the details of the NJSPL (New Jersey Safe Passing Law) here.

When You’re Not Driving

Show you know how to share the road responsibly when you walk, run, ride a bicycle, hop on a scooter, or go outside in your wheelchair.

Have wheels? Go with the flow of traffic. Obey signs and traffic signals. Yield to oncoming pedestrians. Ride as far to the right as safety permits. If necessary, you’re legally allowed to use the full lane.

On foot, in a wheelchair? Go against the flow of traffic. Use the crosswalks and sidewalks when available.

2. Get Involved and Help Spread the Word

Advocates spearheaded the campaign to better protect all road users with clear, enforceable guidelines about when—and how—to pass the most vulnerable users on our roads. Now we need to spread the word!

The more people that know about the NJSPL, the more effective it will be. The campaign to raise awareness is the most important step to creating real change on the ground. Together, we can make NJ roads safer for all.

Tell everyone, and we mean EVERYONE, about the Safe Passing Law!

Talk to your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. Urge them to follow the law and remember – everyone they pass is also someone’s family member, friend, neighbor, or colleague. 

Think about the groups you’re involved in. Are you on the PTA? Part of a local walking club? Active on your local Next Door forum? These are all opportunities to share information about the Safe Passing Law. 

On this website, we’ve provided a social media toolkit and additional resources that can be used to raise awareness and talk to people about the NJSPL. You can use these resources to take the following steps:

  1. “Share” New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  2. Download the Safe Passing Law Toolkit  containing graphics, logos and flyers to print and share. Use the Social Media tools to post to YOUR social media and invite your network share as well.
  3. Create your own campaign photo or video, with your own unique style, and post it on social media.

    Photos/videos can include:

    • a demonstration on how to follow the NJSPL (New Jersey Safe Passing Law)
    • an explanation of the details of the NJSPL
    • reasons why you think it is important to follow the NJSPL
    • a highlight of an NJSPL event
    • anything you think will help to spread the word and be effective in encouraging people to follow the law

    When posting, using the hashtag #SafePass4NJ and tag NJBWC. Depending on which platform you’re posting to, you can use the handle @NJBikeWalkCoalition (Facebook) or @NJBikeWalk (Twitter/Instagram).

    For examples of social media posts, check out personalized examples on our Downloads & Resources page or official posts in our Social Media Toolkit.

Collaborate with your local police department

  • Visit your local police department’s website and look for “Traffic Unit Officer” or “Community Affairs/Outreach” for the most appropriate contact.
  • Think through the desired outcome for this collaborative effort and what you each bring to the table and would like to achieve i.e. Striving to build a cooperative, positive relationship between all road users.
  • Plan to work collaboratively. Identify each person’s role in increasing awareness and building an understanding of how to reduce conflict and create greater roadway safety.
  • Share the resources provided on this website with your local law enforcement, so they can learn more about bicycle and pedestrian specific traffic law.

Plan an event

Plan a “noodle ride” or bike rodeo, table at a local festival or community venue, or invite us to speak to your club or come to a town meeting! 

Let us know if you’re planning an event by entering it in this Google form. For more information on events  or to get copies of  printed materials to share please email Paul Mickiewicz at

If you have questions about the content or ideas on how to use these materials, please contact Campaign Coordinator Jim Hunt at

A great way to promote an event is to collaborate with your local police department to create more public awareness. Events with local police departments often attract media attention and offer photo opportunities that help spread the word to a larger audience.

Got a creative idea? All input from riders, walkers, runners, wheelers welcome! Fill out this Google Form to submit your idea, receive updates on Safe Passing Law campaign materials or to request printed materials.